Just saw that there's a 31 day Reset Your Life challenge happening this month and headed by HappyBlackWoman.
It sounds fantastic. And I'm thinking about doing some of the exercises - but I may not do any. December is so jam packed and I am also committed to doing a better job with holiday decorating and am nursing a sprained ankle.
Full plate.
Would love to do this as a face-to-face exercise. That is one of my current goals - doing more face-to-face time with my friends and just being out in the world more, doing what I love, rather than caving in to things that feel like obligations.
This blog is one of my 4th quarter 2010 ideas, but I haven't done much with it. I have 4 winery visits to write up and just haven't put anything down. So that feels like a failure. But is it? This is a hobby blog added to another hobby I have in addition to being a mother, wife, full-time working professional and a human being.
So I am going to stop calling my failure to blog the wine visits failures. I will write them. And I know that actually having visited 4 wineries and having fun trips every time is more important to the journey.
But yes, I will get pictures and stories up soon.